Does your regular diet give enough Vitamin C to fight infection?

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that your body is unable to store or produce on its own, and therefore it is extremely important for you to get the daily recommended quantity of Vitamin C through a balanced and healthy diet. Without an appropriate Vitamin C diet, individuals may be putting themselves at the risk of developing serious conditions like scurvy that are caused due to Vitamin C deficiency in the body. Vitamin C has numerous benefits that include better immunity against diseases, healthier bones and joints, stronger muscles, tendons and ligaments, better dental health, and so on. In order to attain all these benefits, however, it is important to consume natural Vitamin C rich foods that provide you with the required amounts of the vitamin on a daily basis.

What is the daily requirement, and how you can meet it?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C for adults is 65 mg per day for women and 80 mg per day for men. This figure increases by around 35 mg per day for those who are smokers, and this increase may also be required for those who are constantly exposed to secondhand smoke. Pregnant and lactating women as well require higher quantities of Vitamin C daily. It is also important to note that there is a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for Vitamin C, which is around 2000 mg on a daily basis. Consuming Vitamin C in excess of this Upper Intake Level could result in unpleasant consequences such as digestive distress, diarrhoea, increased uric acid concentration and so on. It is therefore advised not to take supplements for Vitamin C without consulting with your doctor.

Although Vitamin C supplements are freely available worldwide, they are generally considered unnecessary unless recommended by a doctor under exceptional circumstances. For most individuals, it is relatively easy to get the necessary amounts of Vitamin C by adding the following foods to your diet.

  1. Fruits: Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. A glass of orange juice boasts around 95 mg of Vitamin C per glass. Other fruits like guavas and papayas are also excellent sources of Vitamin C. A single regular sized guava can offer up to 125 mg of Vitamin C. Red, and green chilli peppers are also excellent sources of Vitamin C. One raw green chilli pepper offers 109 mg of Vitamin C, and one red chilli pepper contains around 70 mg
  2. Vegetables: Green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are also very rich in Vitamin C, and just 100 g of broccoli and cauliflower offer 89 mg and 50 mg of Vitamin C, respectively. Potatoes and tomatoes, although the latter is considered a fruit, too are rich in Vitamin C.

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